Saturday, April 21, 2012

C25k - Week 1 Day 2

I didn't get to the day 2 of my c25k until today, but I thought I would be fine since I had done the introductory classes at Crossfit and I was eating healthy as well as taking some vitamins.

I was fine, but it was NOT easy. Just the warm up got me tired, and I had to keep pushing myself to run those 30 second, then those 45 seconds, then that minute. I was disappointed in myself but at the same time, I was happy I was able to push through each run. At the end I felt like stopping, but then it started to lightly rain and the song "Suddenly I See" came on my Ipod and that kept me going the last 4 minutes. 

It felt great to finish day 2 even if I got way more tired than I wanted to. At least I finished!


  1. We have a guy here who ran 100 miles and ultra marathons. He advises against pushing through on the runs, especially if it's long. He said you should really ease into it, and by the time you increase distance or time, if you are having to push through, you weren't ready for the distance. Then again, I don't know what distances you were working with. But it's something to think about. You want to push your limits, but you want to do it safely.

    1. 100 miles? That's amazing! I will definitely take that into consideration next time...
