Monday, June 11, 2012

Ouch! That Was Hard!

I was so achy from yesterday that when I saw today's WOD on the board my heart sunk. I didn't even know what a couple of those exercises were and I knew for a fact I wouldn't be able to do a toe to bar.

Here is what I saw:

Strength: modified curly p’s 4×5 (10lb dbs)
Conditioning: 3rds
20 wallballs (10lbs)
20 upright row (15lb kb)
20 toes to bar
20 jump squats
20 DU or 40 singles
20 mt climbers (alt knee to elbow)

I didn't know what a modified curly or an upright row was. But after the instructor demonstrated the exercises, I felt more at ease. 

The modified curly p's were by far the hardest strength exercise I have had to do. Basically you hold the dbs on your shoulder and do 1 squat, 2 lunges and 1 push press, 4 times. It sounds easy, right? Well, it isn't... The weight of the dbs on your shoulder definitely take a toll. I used 15lbs dbs for the first round and I regretted it instantly. I then changed it to 10lb dbs. 

Then the Conditioning.... The most difficult were the wallballs... It gets REALLY tiring after a while. I had to do in sets of 10 then 5 towards the end. 

And of course, I couldn't do the toes to bars. The instructor told me to instead, lift my knees up, kind of like a crunch but without lifting your arms. I was like "I can't do that", and she said "Yes, you can!". And she was right... My hands hurt like hell but I was able to do all 20 of them, each time. I think I will get calluses after this. 

So yeah, it was a very difficult one, but all my back and shoulder pain from yesterday went away after I did the workout today. Ironic, huh?

I finished the workout in 16:30. 

I'm going to have to ice my palms tonight :)

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