So this evening, for the first time, I decided to go for a run without following any programs, my heart rate, or any limits. I just wanted to run a 5k and see how long I could run and how long I had to walk. So I mapped a route from my place that was about 1.6 miles and decided to go all the way there and back, which would be 3.1 miles (5k). So I did, and started running, and was able to run for almost 10 minutes before I had to walk. I walked for about a minute and started running again. I didn't time my running after that but I know I ran way more than I expected. Unfortunately, I could not complete the last 0.1 mile because the road got very narrow and had no sidewalks, so I decided to turn around and go back.
I finished 3 miles in 36 minutes! That means I run a 12 minutes mile. I know this is not a lot, but for someone who could barely even run 2 minutes without being out of breath about 4 weeks ago, this is huge for me.
PS: My legs and feet don't like me right now, but I'm sure they will recover :)
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