Today completed my 2nd official work out week with crossfit. I have noticed slight improvement in some areas. For instance, the warm ups have been feeling easier. I remember when I first started, I couldn't do 20 mountain climbers in a row. And today I did it fine. I know it's not a lot, but it's some progress.
So here's what we had to do today:
3x max floor wipers
3 min wallball
Rest 1 min
3 min pull-ups
Rest 1 min
3 min airsquats
Rest 1 min
3 min kettlebell
Rest 1 min
3 min jumprope
For the floor wipers, I was able to only do 5 at a time.
For the conditioning, I knew I wouldn't be able to do every single workout for 3 minutes without stopping, and that's what happened.
For the wallballs, I used a 10lb ball and boy, was it hard. My arms started feeling week and so did my legs. My neck was also hurting from looking up. I think I was able to do about 15 without stopping. But I don't know how many there are in 3 minutes. All I know is that I had to stop a couple of times and shake it out.
Then came the pull-ups. Oh, my, goodness. Not even with the thickest band there I was able to do two in a row. I was pulling myself up but my chin was going past the bar. My leg was also getting weak from tryng to push down the band. I know I did my best because I could barely feel my arms afterwords.
Air aquats were definitely the easiest. Of course after a while my butt and thighs were getting tired, but nothing compared to what I felt with the other ones.
My kettlebells weren't the greatest, because my arms were so tired from the pull-ups. But I did as many as I could for those 3 minutes.
Finally we did jump ropes. I was able to do about 30 - 40 before the rope got stuck under my feet, and then I had to restart. I'm not sure if it happened because my legs kept getting tired or if I was just being clumsy. It was definitely better than my last attempt on Sunday though.
So that concluded my work out. It felt more strenuous on my muscles then the one yesterday, which felt more strenuous on my breathing. Yesterday was definitely more of a cardio then a strenght I think. But I'm far from a fitness expert so I could be wrong :)
I'm just happy I completed my 2nd week doing crossfit!!! Can't wait until next Sunday!