Sunday, April 22, 2012

1st Official Day of Crossfit: The Push Up Wall

I was planning on going to my first real Crossfit today, but I learned it had been cancelled. 

They then gave us a at-home workout:  

10 rds: 5 pushups, 10 Situps, 15 airsquats. 

I played my Workout playlist on my Ipod and did a bit of a warm up and then begun. I started my first push up and I couldn't go down. My abs felt like they were going to get ripped apart. They felt as if they were locked and I couldn't move. That made me so upset, I didn't know why that was happening especially because I was felling fine the days before, and last week I had even done push ups on my introductory classes. But I decided to do modified push ups instead and I kept going. 

My final time was 15:32

It felt so amazing to finish, I was smiling at the end but the push up wall was definitely a bummer.


  1. Everybody has their off days. It's important to be able to just shrug it off and regather yourself for the next day. That being said, it's also important to be able to recognize when something is a reoccurring weakness, and to address it.

    Good job though on getting through the at-home workout. Nice and simple.

    1. Thank you! I actually recovered and am able to do push ups again! :)
